Extreme right

The cost of silencing voices for peace

The cost of silencing voices for peace

The repression of the peace movement at home, and U.S. support for Israel's bombing of Gaza, threatens to hand the 2024 elections to the MAGA right.

BY: Taryn Fivek| November 7, 2023
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Who’s afraid of democracy and why?

Who’s afraid of democracy and why?

As fascism's financial backers seek to replace the democratic process with direct rule, Communists add to the defense of democracy its class content.

BY: Joel Wendland-Liu| October 17, 2023
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India’s Modi government attacks journalists, following NY Times’ hit piece

India’s Modi government attacks journalists, following NY Times’ hit piece

Seizing upon the U.S. paper's McCarthyite accusations, India's right-wing government raided over 100 journalists, arresting Newsclick's founder Prabir Purkayastha and editor Amit Chakravarty.

BY: Special to cpusa.org| October 10, 2023
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The laws of fascism’s emergence

The laws of fascism’s emergence

Fascism is a form of monopoly-capitalist class rule. The fight against it is about building a force that can ultimately transition the democratic struggle into a struggle for working-class power.

BY: Joel Wendland-Liu| September 8, 2023
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Abbott’s deadly barriers at the border

Abbott’s deadly barriers at the border

Weaponizing the border, and using immigrants as political pawns, only adds to the death, injury and hardship that U.S. imperialism is imposing on migrant families' home countries.