class struggle

We owe nothing to candidates and everything to our class

We owe nothing to candidates and everything to our class

Our vote is a tactical collective action taken in conjunction with millions of other working class and oppressed people, based on the immediate political reality.

BY: Taryn Fivek| July 12, 2024
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Class structure in the U.S.A.

Class structure in the U.S.A.

An all-people's united struggle is required to defeat imperialism and fascism.

BY: Alvaro Rodriguez| April 17, 2024
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Forward together: For pre-convention discussion

Forward together: For pre-convention discussion

Amid capitalism's deep systemic crisis, the socialist moments of the past must be combined with the class and democratic struggles of the present.

BY: CPUSA National Committee| January 29, 2024
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It’s going to take a mass movement

It’s going to take a mass movement

Building the working-class and democratic movements — and building the party — remain key to fighting the fascist danger.

BY: Joe Sims| February 3, 2023
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The party we must become

The party we must become

The fascist danger remains front and center.

BY: Joe Sims| January 18, 2023
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