The redesigns of the new CPUSA.org website has begun.
Our aim is to have an aesthetically beautiful multi-media platform which enhances our ability to build community, provide Marxist education and tools for action. It should be a resource not just for our members but the left and broader movements.
We need your help in the design process. Please give us your input!
What do you like about the old website? What don’t you like about the old website? What is missing or cool about other websites we should consider?
What functions and features should we have to make it really useful for your work or attractive to other members and activists?
What would enhance our ability to communicate with a broader audience?
We’ve gotten these suggestions already:
- A better interface with peoplesworld.org.
- An expanded Q&A or “CPUSA mailbag section” from people asking our views on various questions updated regularly.
- 10 minute Marxist chats or videos on various subjects.
- Features on new members including videos explaining why they joined and club activities.
- A pop up email gathering window.
- A party and movement calendar linked to local activities.
- Discussion forum on some hot button issue.
Those are just a few ideas to get your juices flowing. Please send your ideas to cpusa@cpusa.org