Dear Friends & Comrades,
Many have asked about our travel plans for our trip east for a series of gatherings in which I read excerpts from my book, News from Rain Shadow Country. This book is not a “memoir.” It is not a “trip down memory lane.” It is a collection of news stories I wrote over a half century with a theme: now is the time to stand and fight the ultra-right. Today that means fighting back against right wing bully, Donald Trump, and his minions in the House and Senate.
The itinerary is not yet complete and I will update and correct it in the days ahead. But I want to share now everything Joyce & I know in case you wish to put the event on your calendar and come and hear me. If you do, I will autograph a copy of my book for you. IF YOU WOULD LIKE ME TO COME READ IN YOUR TOWN CONTACT ME AND I WILL TRY TO ARRANGE IT
• Thursday, Sept. 21: Reading at the Govans Branch of the Enoch Pratt Free Library, 5714 Bellona Ave. 5:30 p.m.– 7:30 p.m.
• Sept. 27: Read from my book in Philadelphia (details to follow)
• Tuesday, Oct. 3: (Tuesday) Read from my book in New York City at the Tamiment Library-Robert Wagner Labor Archives (Bobst Main Library) New York University 4:30 p.m. 6 p.m.
• Saturday, Oct. 7: New Haven People’s Center (details to follow)
• Sunday, Oct. 8: Read from my book at Community Church of Boston, 565 Boylston St., 11a.m. I share the platform with my friend, Dan Lynn Watt, who has written History Lessons, A Memoir of Growing Up in an American Communist Family.
• Oct. 10 (or later): Read from my book in Vermont (details to follow).
You can reach me on me by email at greenpastures164@gmail.com . Hope to see you in a few days. Bring your friends!
P.S.—I hope to fly to Chicago Nov. 10 for a CPUSA Party building conference. I will table with my book and autograph copies. Hopefully, I can hitch a ride to Detroit and Cleveland for book signing parties in those towns. Don’t forget, the season for gift-giving is near. My book will make a memorable gift.
About the author: Tim Wheeler has written 10,000 or more news reports, exposes, and commentaries in his half century as a journalist for the Worker, Daily World and People’s World. News From Rain Shadow Country, is a selection of that writing covering his childhood and youth growing up on a dairy farm and his retirement to that farm in recent years. The Cold War blacklist targeted Wheeler’s father, forcing the family to take up farming. Yet these stories are filled with triumph over hatred and fear, the wide circle of neighbors the Wheelers befriended, the surprise visits to the farm of folksinger, Pete Seeger, and Barack Obama, “The Elder,” father of our nation’s 44th President and many others. He writes sympathetically of the trials and tribulations of fellow farmers, fishermen, loggers, millworkers, and retail workers like the employees of WalMart. He devotes a chapter to the Quileutes, Makahs, and other tribes in their defense of sovereignty and treaty rights. He writes as a Marxist, embracing the motto “People and Nature Before Profits” and the idea that working people must unite against the corporate right wing to win jobs, equality, a livable environment and world peace. He lives with his wife, Joyce. on the family farm near Sequim, Washington.