Editor’s Note: The 32nd National Convention of the Communist Party USA took place from June 7-9, 2024 in Chicago, IL. A number of fraternal parties sent greetings to the Party. Those greetings, included below, are from communist parties in Britain, Catalonia, Chile, China, France, Germany, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Laos, Palestine, Peru, Philippians, Portugal, South Africa,Vietnam.
Communist Party of Britain
Dear Comrades,
The Communist Party of Britain sends our warm greetings and every success to the Communist Party USA’s 32nd national Convention.
We are confident that this convention will be a step forward in strengthening the CPUSA and your essential role in the defense of the working class in the U.S., for building unity for peace, democracy, and social progress.
Britain, like the U.S., plays a major role in the global imperialist system. Our Party is devoting our efforts in the struggle for peace, against NATO and war, in solidarity with those people worldwide that face imperialist aggression and intervention and against our own ruling class’s complicity in the crimes that are being perpetrated by Israel against the Palestinian People. Like yourselves, one of our main priorities for our Party this year is to campaign for an end to the genocide in Gaza and for an independent Palestinian state.
We hope that this coming year our Parties can continue to work closely together against the British and U.S. involvement in AUKUS, and against imperialism’s aggressive Cold War on China. We will continue to strengthen our cooperation advocating for an international policy of peace, friendship, and cooperation between all peoples.
We wish your Party every success in developing and implementing your campaigns for 2024, by defeating the ascendant fascist threat and to continue our strong fraternal relationship.
Partido Comunista de Catalonia / Communist Party of Catalonia
Dear comrades,
Receive warm greetings from Communists of Catalonia to the leadership and all the delegates to the 32nd National Convention of the Communist Party USA. We hope, and we are sure, that the discussions in your congress will strengthen the party and its position within the politics and the working class in the U.S.
We are honored that you’ve invited us to your National Convention. Unfortunately it is at the same time as the elections on the European Parliament, an important milestone for our party, so unfortunately we won’t be able to be with you in Chicago.
This congress comes in difficult times, since we are at the verge of a global conflict. The criminal Zionist policy is killing thousands of Palestinian civilians each day, and we’re witnessing a full genocide against Palestine. At the same time, the war continues in Ukraine. Imperialism is facing several wars at different fronts, against the peoples of the world. It is completely necessary to disband the criminal organization NATO, as it is the major threat to peace around the world, and it’s a tool for the subordination of Europe to U.S. imperialism. However, people are fighting back the oppression. The struggle of the American students in solidarity with Gaza has been an inspiration for other Western students, and the internationalist solidarity movement is strong as it wasn’t for decades. It is a duty of Communists to strengthen and accompany these movements.
We hope that we can read the conclusions of your discussions, and also we hope to strengthen the relationship between our sister parties, exchanging experiences and fighting together against global capitalism and imperialism.
With best wishes to your work and discussions,
Long live international solidarity!
Long live the Communist Party USA and its 32
International Relations Secretariat
Central Committee
Partido Comunista de Catalonia / Communist Party of Catalonia
Partido Comunista de Chile / Communist Party of Chile
Estimados camaradas del Partido Comunista de los EE.UU.:
Primero que todo quisiera expresar a nombre del Partido Comunista de Chile, el gran honor que sentimos al haber sido invitados a participar de vuestra 32ava Conferencia Nacional.
La emoción nos embarga al estar en esta ciudad histórica, donde en mayo de 1886 un grupo de trabajadores fueron ejecutados por el solo hecho de luchar por sus reivindicaciones laborales y exigir una jornada de trabajo de 8 hrs. dando inicio con ello a la conmemoración del 1º de Mayo: Día Internacional de las y los Trabajadores. Pero esa misma emoción nos fortalece al estar junto a ustedes, a vuestro Partido, que en las fauces mismas del imperialismo, el enemigo más cruel y despiadado de toda la historia de la humanidad, lucha denodadamente por cambiar el curso de la historia de este país y vuestra entereza y consecuencia nos hace sentir en lo más profundo de nuestro ser, que los comunistas, en cualquier lugar que nos encontremos, e incluso en las más difíciles y cruentas condiciones, siempre mantendremos la esperanza, la convicción y la lucha, de que más temprano que tarde, nuestras ideas y con ellas las ideas de un mundo mejor, prevalecerán en pro de la construcción de una sociedad más justa para todos sus habitantes, en definitiva de una sociedad socialista.
Camaradas: en momentos de enorme complejidad para el mundo y cuando el capitalismo y el imperialismo en su forma neoliberal cruzan por una de las crisis más grandes de su historia, y por lo tanto su peligrosidad va en aumento a niveles de un verdadero descontrol que cada vez se hace más crítico para la existencia del mundo y la humanidad. Las políticas de exterminio, como las que ocurren en contra del pueblo palestino, la militarización y extensión de focos de conflictos en diversas zonas de nuestro planeta que lleva adelante el imperialismo norteamericano y la OTAN, las crisis migratorias forzadas por la multiplicación de bolsones de miserias y zonas de sacrificio, la inédita concentración de la riqueza y la desigualdad creciente de una comunidad internacional que se debate en la incertidumbre sobre su futuro, bajo la persistente amenaza de la guerra y la confrontación nuclear, exige a los comunista, hoy más que nunca, aumentar nuestros esfuerzos y luchas junto a los trabajadores y trabajadoras para detener esta espiral de destrucción, explotación y guerras que el imperialismo y el capitalismo pretenden vaciar sobre las espaldas del mundo popular.
En Chile, la tierra de Allende y Víctor Jara, nuestro Partido, el Partido Comunista de Chile este 4 de junio ha cumplido 112 años de existencia. 112 años que hoy nos encuentra siendo parte de un gobierno con un programa transformador, dentro de una coalición con representación ministerial en distintos niveles, que es un hecho histórico, consecuente con una línea de concepción del poder ejecutivo y legislativo multipartidista, que hemos impulsado desde los años 30 del siglo pasado.
Compañeros y compañeras:
No nos cabe la menor duda que de vuestra 32ava. Conferencia Nacional, emergerá un Partido cualitativa y cuantitativamente mucho más fuerte, preparado para enfrentar las grandes y complejas luchas venideras.
Vuestra firme decisión de enfrentarse a una amenaza fascista cada vez mayor, tanto en vuestro país como en el mundo, así como vuestra lucha consecuente por mantener viva y ascendente la organización de la clase trabajadora, nos hermana en ideales comunes que debemos fortalecer en aras de dar una lucha conjunta en contra del imperialismo, por la paz y el socialismo.
¡Viva la 32ava Conferencia del Partido Comunista de EE.UU.!
¡Viva la hermandad entre el Partido Comunista de Chile y el Partido Comunista de EE.UU.!
¡Viva el Internacionalismo Proletario!
Communist Party of China
International Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China
中国共产党珍视与美国共产党的传统友谊,愿继 续在独立自主、完全平等、互相尊重、互不干涉内部 事务原则基础上,开展两党交流,增进相互理解与信 任,为促进中美两国人民的友谊作出积极努力。
Dear comrades,
On the occasion of the 32nd National Convention of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA), we wish to extend to you warm congratulations.
The Communist Party of China (CPC) attaches great importance to our traditional friendship with the CPUSA. Based on the principles of independence, complete equality, mutual respect and noninterference in each other’s internal affairs, the CPC stands ready to strengthen exchanges between the two parties to enhance our mutual understanding and trust and contribute to the friendship between our two peoples.
We wish the Convention a complete success.
International Department
Central Committee
Communist Party of China
Republic of Cuba

Yasser Ibarra, first secretary of the US embassy of the republic of Cuba, addressing the 32nd National Convention of the Communist Party USA, June 7-9, 2024, Chicago, IL
The text of the Cuban greetings is not currently available.
Parti Communiste de France / Communist Party of France
Dear comrades,
The French Communist Party (PCF) sends you its comradely salute on this occasion of your 32nd congress.
We would like to congratulate the struggle and activity of communists and your Party throughout the United States.
We have noted the growth in membership of CPUSA over the past few years, and the establishments of clubs and state-wide organizations in new regions of the country. The Party organization, the education of our members, and our internal democratic activities are essential to the advancement of our cause, and we rejoice in the strides taken by CPUSA.
On elections, we share the analysis expressed in Forward Together of the need of running communist candidates for office through broad community-based electoral coalitions. Although the participation in major elections are always dictated by specific circumstances, the PCF values the role of local communists in struggle for electoral support of the broader working class. Such activity comes with hardship, yet one that is necessary to rebuild and grow the influence of the Party. Running candidates allows us to observe the effectiveness of our discourse in convincing the working class of its collective interest in a new social order, measure the influence of Marxist ideas in the society, and most of all continuously reinforce our political organization of more than 40,000 communists throughout France.
On imperialism, we are salute CPUSA dedication to working class internationalism to combat US imperialism. Although secondary, France is also an imperialist power. From the monetary denomination of many sub Saharan African countries through the Franc CFA, to the ongoing colonial relation with overseas territories such as Kanaky (New Caledonia), to the status of 2nd largest world producer and seller of weapons after the United States, the French state exercises its role in maintaining the world order ad western hegemony. In this regard the PCF calls for building an European space of collective security, independent from NATO and allowing the dissolution of NATO, the sword arm of US, and, in the meantime, the unilateral withdrawal of France.
On fascism, we are closely observing the fascist threat that looms over the United States.
More so as French far-right leaders, such as Marine Le Pen and Éric Zemmour, advance their pawns on the ashes of mass working class organizations and popular despair against an ever more competitive domestic and international environment. International solidarity and exchange of experience will become ever more crucial as we learn tactics in resisting and defeating the rise of fascism.
Especially as the far right also organizes itself internationally as we witnessed the 19th of May in Madrid where Spanish forces where joined by Argentinian, Chilean, and United States based far-right elements. As you express in Forward Together, working class unity and leadership must be at the forefront of this struggle against the far-right.
On socialism, we admire your dedication to popularize this ideal in a country where the state has dedicated so much effort to suppressing the very notion of a different organization of society. Such as for the United States, the objectives of French communist movement are characterized by our own political culture and emerges from our own revolutionary traditions. Nonetheless we salute and share the goal as expressed in your program: The Road to Socialism USA, of a society “where working people run the country on behalf of the needs of all, where people, peace, and planet come before profits”.
We wish a very productive 32nd congress to the delegates of the CPUSA and wish you every success in your work and in the struggles you are waging alongside the working class of the United States.
Long live international solidarity,
The French Communist Party
German Communist Party
Dear comrades,
On behalf of the Central Committee and the members of the German Communist Party, I greet all participants of the National Convention of the Communist Party of the USA. Unfortunately, no comrade from our party is able to attend your National Convention.
The situation you have characterized is in many ways also visible in our country. German imperialism is involved in most of the wars of U.S. imperialism financially, through arms supplies or even directly. This can be seen very clearly in NATO’s war against the Russian Federation, which is being waged using the Ukraine and which in perspective [is] also directed against the socialist People’s Republic of China, but also in Israel’s support for the genocide against the Palestinian people, especially in the Gaza Strip at the moment.
This war policy is always linked to the dismantling of social and democratic rights of the working people, we call this militaristic-reactionary state restructuring. A change of government or president will not change this policy, neither in our country nor in yours. What is needed is concrete resistance on the streets, in the neighborhoods and in the workplace. Organizing this resistance is a difficult task that we as communists must undertake. In this context, we see the primary task in our country not only to strengthen the peace movement, to turn it into a movement against NATO, but above all to weaken the integration of the workers’ and trade union movement into the politics of imperialism.
In order to fight imperialism, however, international solidarity is also necessary, and cooperation between communist parties is important and necessary for this.
We wish your congress a constructive discussion and good decisions that will enable you to lead your struggle better and more successfully.
For peace and socialism!
Long live international solidarity!
With communist greetings
Renate Koppe
International Secretary
Tudeh Party of Iran
Dear comrades,
The Tudeh Party of Iran (TPI) wishes to extend its warm comradely greetings to the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) on the occasion of its 32nd National Convention.
We wish the Convention every success in formulating a programme of action for developing the struggle of working people in the United States of America for peace, prosperity, and progress.
We would also like to reaffirm the long-standing and close relations between our two parties. The TPI highly appreciates the principled and internationalist positions adopted by the CPUSA in defense of world peace, national liberation movements, and the right of nations to decide their own path of development. We are aware of the complex conditions, both domestically and internationally, in which these struggles are taking place.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank the CPUSA for its militant solidarity with the working people of Iran in their difficult and intricate struggle for democracy, human and democratic rights, social justice, and peaceful development and against the ruling theocratic regime while opposing foreign interventions.
Dear comrades,
We are aware of the CPUSA’s important struggles, which are taking place in a very complex and challenging situation in “the belly of the beast”. The inequality gap in US society is arguably starker than ever before. We salute your courageous campaign in defence of the basic human and democratic rights of working people for a decent life, sustainable future, and a world that puts the people and planet before profits in the face of unprecedented, sinister, and calculated attacks by the capitalist class organized and backed at corporate and government level.
We salute the struggle of the US communists against the right-wing policies of both the Republican (“MAGA” tendency) and Democratic administrations, which are aimed at undermining the basic tenets of democracy, equality, and the rule of law in your country. The CPUSA’s role in promoting the trade union movement and the movements representing youth, ethnic minorities, and other marginalized people to the threats of neoliberalism and warmongering, all while building a strong mass revolutionary working-class party as well as striving to build a broad democratic and progressive coalition, is crucial in bolstering the working-class response to today’s challenges.
Dear comrades,
The strong financial and military support of the Biden administration for the apartheid regime of Israel in its ongoing genocide against the Palestinian people in Gaza has acted as a hindrance to bringing an end to this atrocity and establishing peace. The US administration, backed by the industrial-military complex, has pursued a similar policy in the war in Ukraine. Both these conflicts have seriously threatened world peace. We believe that the real agenda of US imperialism in the Middle East is to control the vast energy resources of this region and to maintain its hegemony with the help of its allies, like Israel. Similarly, US corporations and the capitalist-class-representing government are pursuing a dangerous game of brinksmanship with the emerging power that is China as they feel that country is gaining in strength economically, technologically, and militarily. Instead of a peaceful and just competition – as espoused in its own doctrine – the capitalist class in the US is taking the dangerous path of increasingly heated confrontation towards China.
Dear comrades,
Our country, Iran, is also going through a testing period, in which the people’s movement for democracy, human rights, and social justice has reached a critical stage.
The uprisings of the past few years, particularly the “Woman, Life, Freedom” movement, which encompassed the women’s struggle against mandatory hijab/veiling, and the constant heroic strikes by workers across various industries have truly shaken the ground under the theocratic dictatorship. In response, the ruling regime has resorted to the one tactic it knows best: all out brutality, which has resulted in a huge crackdown on protesters that has left hundreds dead and a massive wave of arrests, detentions, torture, forced disappearances, and executions – all to silence the voice of a discontented people and for the dictatorship to continue its grip on power.
In addition, the theocratic regime has attempted to exploit all the tricks in the book, including vote rigging and other corrupt practices, misinformation, filtering and restricting internet access, and cynically diverting public opinion to external threats so as to prolong their rule. The sham presidential election of 2021, the recent legislative election, and the election of the Assembly of Experts in March 2024 were met with an unprecedentedly low turnout, showing just how unpopular the regime is.
The recent death of Ebrahim Raisi and his foreign minister in a helicopter crash has made the situation even more unstable for the regime. This regime is doing anything and everything to survive, except what it should do, i.e. to improve the working and living conditions of the working people who make up the majority of the population. The regime is in a perilous state whereby any move it makes serves to further undermine its position against the people one way or another.
Under these circumstances, the Tudeh Party of Iran is campaigning to create a joint democratic front and boost organized civil and political action against the theocratic regime.
The Tudeh Party of Iran has constantly called for the country’s democratic forces to unite in an anti-dictatorial front to resist and defeat the regime’s sinister plans. Our Party has repeatedly stressed that social forces such as the youth, students, and women – and particularly the working class – are the main forces for change. We have repeatedly warned that until the progressive movement overcomes its lack of organization and united action, reactionary forces will remain able to frustrate attempts to dislodge them.
The Tudeh Party of Iran continues its efforts to organize the masses and strongly believes that the current popular movement for fundamental changes, if organized and united, could pave the way for a democratic and secular government.
Our Party, while strongly condemning any external intervention in our country by U.S. imperialism and its reactionary allies, has denounced the adventurous policies of the Islamic Republic in the region through its proxy forces, which could be used as a pretext for further military adventures in the region and possibly an armed conflict with Iran.
Dear comrades,
We are convinced that despite the current difficult circumstances, the world’s progressive forces have the potential and historical opportunity to resist the imperialist offensive and create favourable conditions for establishing world peace and for social progress to continue and develop.
We believe, as millions of people around the world pronounce, that “another world is possible”…
A world of peace and socialism.
Dear comrades,
Once again, we wish your 32nd National Convention every success in formulating the tactical and strategic plans of the CPUSA in the struggle for progressive changes in your country.
Long live fraternal relations between the CPUSA and the Tudeh Party of Iran!
Long live international solidarity!
Long live socialism!
Iraqi Communist Party
Dear comrades,
We convey the wholehearted greetings of Iraqi Communists to the 32nd National Convention of your fraternal party, the Communist Party USA.
We are confident that this National Convention will be another milestone in the inspiring history of struggle of your fraternal party, consistently defending the democratic rights of the working class and people. It is today continuing the courageous fight against racism, defending women’s rights, raising the banner of internationalist solidarity and upholding the ideals of socialism and communism.
Your Convention is facing significant challenges, both in the US and globally. The role of the CPUSA is indispensable in confronting the increasing threat by fascist and extreme right forces, and in building an all-people’s front for democracy. It is also vital for exposing and confronting the war hysteria that US imperialism is fueling, providing support to the populist far right, and stirring up racist and fascist tendencies. This is highlighted by fuelling the war between the Russian Federation and Ukraine, and its blatant support for Israel’s continuing genocidal war against the Palestinian people.
In these turbulent and dangerous conditions, the forces of the Left in the world and in each country face grave challenges that necessitate developing their unity, building broad peace fronts, and presenting alternatives and visions for radical change. This is vital to save their peoples and humanity from imminent disasters and to achieve their aspirations for a new social order based on the values of democracy, equality, justice and cooperation, which are the basic values of socialism.
In this context, we salute the internationalist stance of the CPUSA and its youth, along with the Left and all freedom-loving people in the U.S., in supporting the magnificent movement of solidarity with the Palestinian people that has swept the country. It is reminiscent of the anti-Vietnam war mass movement, and the solidarity movement supporting the anti-apartheid struggle in South Africa.
Dear comrades,
The Middle East is witnessing grave developments, with the barbaric Israeli genocidal war by Netanyahu’s fascist government against Gaza, and the slaughter of more than 36,000 innocent Palestinian civilians, including over 13,000 children. These developments have exposed the blatant bias of the United States and its allies towards Israel, their unlimited support for it, and their obstruction of the implementation of the UN and International Court of Justice resolutions, allowing it to continue its illegal occupation and war crimes.
Iraqi Communists and democrats are playing an active role in the campaign of solidarity with the Palestinian people, demanding the immediate cessation of the Israeli war of genocide against Gaza, the complete lifting of the unjust racist siege, an end to the Israeli occupation, firm support for the Palestinian people’s legitimate right to self-determination, and the establishment of their own independent national state in accordance with the relevant UN resolutions.
Dear comrades,
Iraqi Communists, along with the democratic forces, are continuing the fight for comprehensive change: building a democratic civil state based on social justice.
Our country continues to suffer the consequences of a deepening structural crisis that is rooted in the existing ethno-sectarian power-sharing system which was installed after the US war, invasion and occupation 21 years ago. With widespread corruption, a widening gap between the rich and the poor, and the absence of social justice, there has been an upsurge in the protest movement.
Despite the bloody repression of the Popular Uprising in October 2019, with 800 young protesters killed, the protests are continuing against a politically bankrupt system and endemic corruption.
The Iraqi Communist Party’s struggle is aimed at ending the corrupt political system and armed militias, and building a state based on citizenship and social justice. Only such a democratic alternative can ensure Iraq’s national sovereignty and put an end to foreign interference in its internal affairs, whether by the US and its allies or by regional powers.
Dear comrades,
We express our high appreciation for the internationalist solidarity and support extended by your fraternal party to the Iraqi people, Communists and democrats in their just struggle.
While wishing your 32nd National Convention every success, and once again extend our warm greetings to all its delegates, we look forward to further developing the long-standing internationalist ties between our party and the Communist Party USA, in the joint struggle for freedom, peace, democracy, social progress, and socialism.
Long live internationalist solidarity!
The Central Committee
Iraqi Communist Party
6 June 2024
Communist Party of Ireland | PÁIRTÍ CUMANNACH NA hÉIREANN
Dear comrades,
The Communist Party of Ireland wishes to extend our solidarity to you on your 32nd National Convention being held in Chicago. Your Party has a long and proud history, working, often in the face of brutal repression, within the belly of the beast. The struggle for peace and against U.S. imperialism can not succeed without the intervention of the CPUSA.
Our Parties enjoy long-standing relations, with a good number of Irish Communists such as Jimmy Gralton having the honour of CPUSA membership, an example of how our ruling class’s efforts to use emigration as a political safety valve aided in the construction of CPs in all Irish diaspora communities.
We believe that the CPUSA continues to influence the most forward-thinking elements of the Irish diaspora in the United States, in the tradition of Elizabeth Gurley-Flynn, Jimmy Gralton and countless others who joined with other revolutionaries such as the indomitable Henry Winston, Gus Hall, Paul Robeson, Angela Davis and so many others.
In Ireland today, our country, our class, and our Party continue to struggle for national liberation and socialism against the triple lock of imperialism, represented by the British state, the EU and US. We continue to campaign for Irish neutrality, with public opinion polls showing overwhelmingly that the Irish public oppose joining NATO. We also continue to campaign for the end of the use of Shannon Airport by the US military.
Irish people continue to display overwhelming support for the people of Palestine, a result of our people’s own experience at the hands of imperialism. It is also for this reason that we stand with the oppressed peoples of the United States, in the face of growing reactionary dangers.
This includes our standing with the forces of progress, for peace, and against chauvinism, including chauvinism represented by reactionary forces masquerading as being the real face of US Marxist-Leninists.
Onwards to the struggle for socialism.
Beir Bua,
In solidarity,
Graham Harrington,
International Secretary
Israeli Communist Party
Greetings from the Communist Party of Israel.
Japanese Communist Party | 日 本 共 産 党 中 央 委 員 会
Dear comrades:
The Japanese Communist Party (JCP) sends its heartfelt congratulations and greetings expressing solidarity on the occasion of the 32nd National Convention of the Communist Party USA. I hope that this convention, which comes amidst growing workers’ struggles in the United States and a growing movement protesting the genocide in Gaza and calling for an immediate ceasefire, will be a successful contribution to the advancement of the labor movement and to the projects of peace and social progress.
Across the Atlantic in Europe, Russia continues its war against Ukraine; across the Pacific in East Asia, tensions between the great powers are intensifying; and in Japan, unprecedented military expansion and the creation of a “war state” by Japan and the United States are underway. We strongly call for peaceful solutions and an international order based on the UN Charter and international law from the standpoint that “hegemony by any nation is unacceptable.”
We hope that cooperation between the two parties will continue to develop on common issues such as peace, a just world, and the abolition of nuclear weapons.
With greetings in solidarity,
Yasuo Ogata
Vice-Chair, Executive Committee,
Chair, International Commission,
Japanese Communist Party
Lao People’s Revolutionary Party
Dear comrades,
On the occasion of the opening of the 32nd National Convention of the Communist Party USA, the Committee for External Relations of the Central Committee of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party would like to convey our warmest fraternal greetings and best wishes to the delegates through the convention to the Party’s members and all American working people.
We highly value the special attention of the Communist Party USA during the past years and proactive contribution to the struggle for the protection of rights and benefits of working people of the United States of America.
We are confident that the Communist Party USA will achieve greater success in the implementation of the set directive policies of the CPUSA for the prosperity of the American working people. This 32nd National Convention will consider and adopt the important resolutions of the era to guide the work of the Party in the year to come which will contribute to enhance the role and prestige of the Party in the country as well as in the regional and international arenas.
We wish the 32nd National Convention of the Communist Party USA a brilliant success. May the friendship between the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party and the Communist Party USA be further strengthened for the benefits of the two countries as well as for the mission. of peace, friendship and cooperation in the region and the world.
With comradely regards,
Vientiane, March 9, 2024
Committee for External Relations of the Central Committee of the Lao People’s
Revolutionary Party
Palestinian People’s Party
Dear comrades,
On behalf of the leadership and all members of Palestinian Peoples Party (PPP), we extend to you and through you to all members of your party our congratulations for the successful end of the 32nd national convention of your party hoping you every success in your struggle for better future of your people and the peoples of the world for social justice, peace and socialism.
With this opportunity we would like also to thank you for your firm position of solidarity with the just struggle of our people for ending the ongoing genocide and ending the occupation and self-determination.
Once again receive our congratulation.
International Relation Department
Ramallah Palestine
Communist Party of Peru | Partido Comunista Peruano
Estimado camarada,
El motivo de la presente es para poner en su conocimiento que realizamos nuestro XVII CONGRESO NACIONAL EXTRAHORDINARIO PROGRAMATICO Y ESTATUTARIO del 12 al 15 de junio del 2024 en la ciudad de Lima.
Parte de nuestra historia es, cuando un grupo de obreros e intelectuales motivados por el amauta José Carlos Mariátegui, se reúnen en la casa del obrero Avelino Navarro para dar cumplimiento al proyecto de fundar un partido marxista que tenga como meta la construcción del socialismo en suelo peruano.
Desde sus orígenes el partido se liga estrechamente a los destinos de la clase obrera y a la preparación de la revolución socialista en suelo peruano que al decir de JC Mariátegui, no sería “..ni calco ni copia, sino creación heroica.” El largo camino del partido en su lucha en defensa de los derechos de los trabajadores y por transformar la sociedad peruana lo ha llevado por los difíciles caminos de la lucha ilegal, breves períodos democráticos, su participación importante en el período de cambios anticapitalistas durante el régimen de Velasco Alvarado, posteriormente en la construcción de Izquierda Unida en los años 80 cuando se convierte en la fuerza política más importante del país; luego tendría que enfrentar el terrorismo y sus secuelas en los 80 y 90.
Actualmente el Partido, junto a los trabajadores y el pueblo peruano enfrenta a una dictadura cívico militar de Diana Boluarte y el congreso de la república; que han asesinado a 69 peruanos, apresado muchos peruanos, criminalizado la protesta social. La lucha que enfrentamos junto al pueblo es con el propósito de lograr nuevas elecciones generales y recuperar la democracia para el pueblo peruano.
La lucha por el socialismo y por terminar con el sistema de explotación capitalista en el Perú es el objetivo del Partido. El marxismo y el leninismo es la teoría que guía su acción, el internacionalismo proletario, la solidaridad internacional y la lucha frontal contra el imperialismo son principios inalienables en la práctica revolucionaria de los comunistas peruanos.
Nos sentiremos muy honrados si el Partido que Ud. Tan acertadamente dirige, remita un breve saludo en forma de video o escrito, para ser visualizado o leído en el Acto Inaugural que tendrá lugar el 12 de junio.
Hildebrando Cahuana Segovia
Secretario Nacional de RR.II
Philippean Communist Party | Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas (PKP-1930)
Dear comrades,
We extend our warmest comradely greeting to the delegates, members and guests to the 32th National Convention of your party which will be held on June 7, 2024 at Illinois, Chicago.
We wish for its successful and substantive result especially now that we are confronted with multi-dimensional global and domestic problems.
Imperialist reaction against its impending economic, political, military and social collapse is now threatening the world. It is an un-parallel phenomenon since the collapse of the Soviet Union and the socialist world is now ominous. The rise of BRICS, and the global de-dollarization of economic trade will reshape the global supply trade, and monetary system, the impending defeat of the fascist in the Ukrainian battlefront, the growing and developing campaign global campaign for the decolonization of Palestine and Central African Region is now enveloping the global center of reaction. It is now an election issue in your country and might lead to the demise of the present imperialist administration. Against this global development is the danger of an all-out conflict in our region, which our present ruler in pursuit of imperialist aggressive policy is leading our country towards a military confrontation with our Asian neighbor. It is not our war, but we are committed to defend our country’s territory and integrity as much as we want peace and neutrality in our territorial exclusive zone.
In the past our joined collective action has been amplified through our peace campaign and joint collective global action. We believe as a movement of people it has influenced the world view and resolve and contributed to a certain extent to the global resolve today. This we must enhance today.
A resolve action against imperialist war and reaction, a resolve action against global economic hegemony, a global action against colonialism for peace, democracy and socialism.
With warm embraces and fraternal greetings.
Comradely Yours,
Eduardo F. Landayan
General Secretary
Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas (PKP-1930)
Portuguese Communist Party | Partido Comunista Portugués
Dear comrades,
The Portuguese Communist Party (PCP) sends its warmest greetings to the 32nd National Convention of the Communist Party of the United States of America (CPUSA) and its best wishes for the success of its work and that it contributes to the strengthening of CPUSA’s organization and intervention among the working class, workers and broad popular strata in the United States.
Your convention takes place during a complex moment in the international situation, when serious risks and threats, including to world peace, coexist with potential and prospects for progress in the struggle of workers and peoples. Overall, the situation is still characterized by great instability and uncertainty regarding its development.
A situation whose central element is a deepening structural crisis of capitalism, expressed in multiple dimensions; a very pertinent trait, in fact, regarding the serious crisis in the U.S.
We welcome the important and diverse social mobilizations and protests in the U.S., from workers and the union movement to university students, including the actions of the student movement that, in the face of repression, express solidarity with Palestine and denounce and condemn U.S. complicity in the genocide of the Palestinian people at the hands of the zionist regime in Israel.
An international situation that highlights the relative decline of the United States and the other capitalis powers that make up the G7, which is inseparable from the ongoing process of rearrangement of forces in the world, including the development in China and the emergence of other countries and multilateral processes, such as the BRICS or the SCO.
Proclaiming “a rules-based world” that overrides the UN Charter and international law, the US and its allies —vassals of NATO, the EU and the G7 foment hotbeds of tension, impose blockades and sanctions, promote interference, and promote militarism and war all over the world, but with particular expression in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia-Pacific. Imperialism targets all peoples and countries that assert their sovereignty and right to development, presently targeting Russia and China as its main adversary.
Particularly shocking is Israel’s policy of war and “scorched earth” which – with the political, economic, and military support of the US and other imperialist powers – has reached the level of barbarism, as the world witnesses the genocidal action of the Israeli forces in the Gaza Strip and the strengthening of colonization and terror in the Palestinian territories, illegally occupied in 1967.
Amidst this general context of crisis, big capital intensifies exploitation, aggravates inequalities and social injustices, increases attacks on freedoms, democratic rights, and democracy, and promotes backward and reactionary conceptions and projects, racial hatred and xenophobia, and the extreme right and fascist forces.
For communists and other revolutionary, progressive and democratic forces, the present situation raises great demands and challenges, particularly a need for communist parties rooted in defending the interests and aspirations of the workers and the masses, in reinforcing their organization and struggle, without losing sight of the construction of a new society free from exploitation and oppression, the strategic objectives of socialism and communism.
Among PCP’s priorities are strengthening the international communist and revolutionary movement and its cooperation remains a priority, valuing common and convergent action, and reinforcing the broad anti-imperialist front for a new international order of peace, social progress, and cooperation.
It is with this perspective and with confidence that PCP intervenes in Portugal, in a year marked by the important and popular celebrations of the 50th anniversary of the April Revolution, initiated on April 25, 1974.
Under very demanding conditions, we continue the struggle in defense of the rights, interests and aspirations of the Portuguese workers and people; in defense of the April Constitution; for a rupture with the right-wing policy continued, in essence, by the previous Socialist Party government and that now the Social Democratic Party/Popular Party government intends to intensify; and against subordination to the EU, NATO and the USA.
It is also with this determination that we began the preparation of PCP’s 22nd Congress, scheduled for December, with the conviction that the answer to the great national challenges demands a patriotic and left alternative, towards an advanced democracy, with the values of the April Revolution at its core, for the construction of socialism.
Reiterating our greetings and best wishes of success to the 32nd National Convention of the CPUSA and the desire to continue strengthening relations between our parties, we send you the fraternal embrace of the Portuguese communists.
Lisbon, June 4, 2024
Central Committee of the
Portuguese Communist Party
South African Communist Party
South African Communist Party Greeting to 32nd Convention of the Communist Party USA
Communist Party of Vietnam
Dear comrades,
On the occasion of the 32nd National Convention of the Communist Party of the United States of America (CPUSA), we would like to extend to the Convention, and through the Convention, to all CPUSA members our warmest greetings and congratulations.
From its conception, throughout 105 years of establishment and development, with many ups and downs, the CPUSA has resiliently fought for peace, democracy, justice and social progress, manifesting the enduring vitality of socialist ideals.
The Communist Party of Viet Nam has always treasured the precious support that the CPUSA, the left, progressive, and people in the US have reserved for Viet Nam in our past struggle for national independence as well as our present cause of national building and defense. We wish to continue to consolidate the faithful, traditional and close relationship with the CPUSA, as well as with other communist parties, workers’ parties, left and progressive forces in the world.
We are convinced that the Convention will greatly contribute to the building of the Party’s activities and organisations, continuously consolidating its forces, improving its role and voice in American political life.
May the 32nd National Convention be crowned with success.
It is our wish that the traditional relations, solidarity and cooperation between the Communist Party of Viet Nam and the Communist Party of the United States of America, between the peoples of Viet Nam and the U.S. be progressively strengthened and developed.