Despite the difficulty of working for socialism, peace, and social justice in the world’s biggest imperialist power, the CPUSA has played a major role in the growth and struggles of our country’s labor movement. Today, more and more people are coming to recognize the role of the labor movement in advancing economic and social justice in this country. Few realize, however, that without the Communist Party USA, the labor movement as we know it would not exist.
From linking racial justice and workers’ rights, to organizing the great industrial unions, to building rank-and-file movements and progressive caucuses, the Communist Party has helped build the fighting strength of workers’ organizations at every step of the way.Join veteran trade unionist and union leader, public official, and CPUSA member Carl Wood for a look at how the Communist Party helped build the labor movement–and what we’re planning for our next hundred years.
Sunday, January 6, 2019
8 PM eastern, 7 PM central, 5 PM pacific
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