The contentious UAW strike of 50,000 workers against GM is continuing without an end in sight. Union sources state that talks have “become tougher.”
Make no mistake! These workers carry the banner for all of our nation’s people, retirees, students and communities. In short, they are standing up for justice, for our people, against one of the world’s largest profit-bloated corporations.
General Motors (GM) is sitting on $37 billion in revenue. The company is extremely “healthy,” having been bailed out by the public (and the UAW) a decade ago. In the second quarter this year they raked in $2.4 billion, $35 billion in the past 3 years and just paid GM CEO Mary Barra $22 million. This is what our enemy looks like!
In an unprecedented move, GM cut off worker’s health care and are talking of “making it tough” for workers and their families. GM is standing shoulder to shoulder with Trump, the greedy fossil fuel, finance, and corrupt PHARMA corporations. A GM victory would accelerate the redistribution of income, already going at breakneck speed, from the working/middle classes, up to the wealthiest 1%. The UAW’s winning of the strike would be a huge step for us all. Turning a big corner, it can set new political ground that can be the basis for our people to begin to go on the offensive.
Workers and their families, the American people, will have much to say about this!
UAW demands speak directly to the people of our working-class cities, towns, communities. UAW demands include;
- MAKE TEMPORARY WORKERS PERMANENT! The strongest UAW demand would end the divisive 2-tier pay plan, strengthen unity and also would strengthen economies of local communities.
- REOPEN CLOSED PLANTS! This is obviously a demand everyone except the corporate financiers can identify with, strongly in the interests of all working people.
- UAW needs a RAISE, one which they have clearly earned. A raise will directly aid our communities, strengthening tax bases, supports public benefits and will be immediately recycled into communities as workers/families spend it.
These are issues everyone can get behind! Our job in this struggle is to help people find ways to express solidarity and stand with the strikers. The CPUSA Labor Commission issues this CALL to the entire Communist Party membership, to our friends, co-workers, allies in labor, peace, solidarity work, to reach out to others and STAND IN SOLIDARITY WITH UAW STRIKERS!!
The following are ways to start;
- Contact UAW locals, AFL-CIO offices in your area, offer to help in solidarity mobilizations.
- Visit UAW picket lines in your area. They’ve asked for food donations, which we can bring, but strikers will be overjoyed to just see you.
- Organize Information Gatherings at GM dealers, ask the dealership to call on GM to settle. We are NOT boycotting, but are informing public, generating solidarity.
- Pass resolutions of support at your local union, labor federation meetings. Also speak with church, community groups, veterans or women’s groups. We need to widen out support for the UAW strike wherever we can. This work does NOT require a union card, only a desire to stand up for justice!
- Write letters to editor of local papers, to your union paper, church or student bulletin.
- Invite UAW strikers/officers to speak at events, organize meetings, rallies to greet them.
- Take delegations to city councils, county commissions, etc., and ask them to officially support the strikers.
These are suggestions, and you can certainly find other ways to express solidarity. Let us know, write it up and let’s build a huge movement for justice!